website / video / motion / application

Corp Website
Lease Corps' website was a dinosaur and was not the tool they were looking to grow their already booming business. Their new website is responsive and visually engaging for clients that are looking to lease equipment. The website includes a leasing calculator and electronic leasing applications built right into the solution, allowing any business to quickly and almost seamlessly apply for equipment leasing.
View Lease Corporation of America's Website

Motion Graphic Video
Exceleron scripted, designed and produced the motion graphic video that explains how equipment leasing works, all in a little over 2 minutes.

myLease Application
A cloud based solution that allows Lease Corp to create micro-sites for its various equipment leasing partners that automatically provides quick quotes on leasing options and the ability for an individual to purchase equipment from that individual company.

myLease Product Video
Exceleron worked with Lease Corp to produce an easy listening video to explain how a vendor can have their own micro-site with a quote estimating tool, as well as a way to apply online in minutes. This allows vendors to close more deals and increase profit margins by leasing with LCA.